Shamanic Energy Reader- Author -Teacher-Planetary Grid Worker- Lightworker
Activate your Soul Oracle with Indigenous Ancestral Healing and Wisdom to dream a better world into being.
Activate your Soul Oracle with Indigenous Ancestral Healing and Wisdom to dream a better world into being.
At Shamancestors you will embark on a journey of profound change, growth, and healing—a journey that links you to every creation in the Universal Web of Light; a journey where you can begin to understand the past, heal the present, and reclaim your Soul Purpose to dream a new and better world into being for yourself and others.
Shamancestors is dedicated to bringing the Ancestral wisdom of the Americas into everyday life to help you awaken to your true potential and Soul Purpose.
Powerful portals from the Sacred Circles are opened to provide you with this free, bi-monthly Energy reading. Comes out on the 2nd & 4th Sunday.
Shamancestors will
Open the Indigenous
Gateways to Your Soul.
The Modern Oracle is here to provide you with insight and support to help you find the answers you need when you feel lost, alone, confused, or just need direction.
An Oracle is a person who uses ancient practices to channel and interpret spiritual wisdom from the Divine to provide you with guidance, insight, instruction, healing and direction.
A Shamanic Energy Reading utilizes a wide range of information and techniques to attune you to your personal energy of self-discovery, guidance, and empowerment. It will reconnect you with the tools of nature to help you craft and reclaim your Soul Purpose with greater clarity.
Shamanic Readings
Are Keys that unlock Portals
To your Soul Purpose
The Sacred Circle is called the Sacred Hoop of the Nations by most Native Americans and is called the Medicine Wheel by the rest of us. It is a symbol for the cycles of life in all its forms and represents the larger, infinite cycle of birth-death-and rebirth. Anchored by the four Cardinal Directions, it is a tool for self-guidance, self-realization, and communion with the Divine at the junctures where the portals of our different lifecycles converge.
The Inca Chakana Mesa is both an internal and external model for the Andean Sacred Circle of South America. Like the North American Circle, it uses the concepts of the four Cardinal Directions as well as the Center Point to anchor the cycles of life. Instead of being built on the land, it is carried as a medicine bundle or portable altar that connects us with the Ancient and Modern Andean Medicine People as well as the altars of other cultures—past, present, and future.
The Sacred Circle--
A Grid of Light connecting
All of Creation
The Munay-ki Rites are ten rites of initiation from the Andean Inca Q’ero Medicine Way. Each Rite is a gateway of energetic transmissions that can heal and transform your "luminous Energy Field". They include the first 9 Rites plus the 13th Rite of the Medicine Path that has been passed down by the ancient Indigenous “Shamans”, known as the Laika, to their descendants for thousands of years.
Training in Munay-ki Rites and Attunements.
Sacred Cosmic Seeds
Traveling through time and space
To attune my soul
Munay-ki are Rites
of Ancestral Power that
Awaken your Soul
The Planetary Grid is a conscious matrix of light and energy that interconnects the ley lines of the Earth Mother and her creations with the larger Universal Grid or Sacred Circles of all creation. The planetary grid is encoded with the blueprint for the spiritual evolution of the planet and humanity as established by the original Divine Plan.
Planetary Gridworkers are light workers who came to the planet during this important time of planetary transition. Their mission is to integrate the new encodings and activations from the Star Beings and Christ Consciousness on the Earth's grid, so that humanity can transform to a higher level of existence.
While new skills or tasks come into being for Gridworkers all the time, each of their skill sets fit into one or more of the following categories:
Channel Cosmic Codes
From the Star Beings to Earth
By working the Grid
Keep up with the journey and activate your Soul Oracle to understand your past, heal your present, reclaim your Soul Purpose and dream a better world into being.
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