The Planetary Grid Network is a body of consciously organic, yet holographic geography that harbors the hidden map of the galaxies within the depths of the Earth. It follows the Hermetic Law of Correspondence: “As it is above, so it is below.” The geometrics of the Grid Network are housed within the sacred geometries that define Earth Consciousness as well as the current of energies that move through its Grid. The energies move through the ley lines and vortex centers of the Earth in much the same way that the energies of the human body move through its horizontal ley lines and vertical, Axiotonal Meridians to connect the different chakras or vortex centers in a human being. In both cases, this Grid of energy connects to the ley lines and vortex centers of the Universe. Doing Gridwork, then, is like doing acupuncture for the meridians of Mother Earth.
There are some techniques and tools that can be used for doing this work including crystals, sound healing, Mesa (altar) and shamanic work, journeying, visualization, and meditation which can all be adopted by those Lightworkers who know themselves to be called to this work or who are sensitive to spaces. If you are drawn to this work, you will quickly learn how to pick up effective ways of helping the grids. Once you become conscious of this, you will tap into the knowledge hidden within your DNA and will become a beacon for grounding the appropriate energies with light and love. You will put the Earth, her creations, humanity, and their welfare as the basis for all your actions.
Planetary Gridworkers are Indigos, Lightworkers and Starseeds who chose to come to the planet during this important time of planetary transition to plant new codes and activations from the Star Beings and Christ Consciousness into the Earth’s Crystalline Grid. These codes and activations will help both the Earth and humanity transform and evolve into a higher level of existence and luminosity. Grid Workers are often tasked with grounding and planting these new Cosmic energies firmly into the Grid of the Planet to help soften the harder processes of change and transformation as the planet throws off the old and begins to ascend to the higher 5th Dimensional Level of Consciousness. Most of them chose to incarnate on Earth at this juncture of time as guardians and protectors of the planet’s ascension process to prevent her and her inhabitants from falling into the denser energies that surround and are inherent in the process itself.
At this juncture in time, the majority of Gridworkers have been sent from other star systems, universes, planets, or even future cycles on Earth where they were prepared and trained by master light beings to do this work. Each Gridworker’s mission is co-created before birth as an agreement that is written into their light body’s core of manifestation. The written instructions are blueprints containing the consciousness, star origins, history, and Soul Purpose for each individual Gridworker as part of the Divine Plan to activate the higher potential of the Earth and humanity during this time of transition. Each mission is determined by the special talents and skill sets of each individual Gridworker. When activated on Earth, the mission connects the Gridworker to the larger directive of the Divine Plan and links them to other Indigos, Light-workers, and Starseeds in synchronous Planetary Grid service.
Many Gridworkers work simultaneously with past, present, and future timelines to affect positive change in the future evolutionary direction of the Earth, humanity, and the Cosmos. They are heralds of the consciousness shifts to help restore energetic balance. Some are called to travel to different locations while others are called to live in specific locations on Mother Earth. They act as guardians of her Crystalline Grid, the Solar Grid, and/or the Light Grid. They also hold the space, whether they know it or not, for frequencies to flow through them into the Earth and through all three of the grids.
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