Planetary Gridworkers chose to come to the planet during this important time of planetary transition to plant new Cosmic codes and activations from the Star Beings and the Christ Consciousness into the Earth as Earth Keepers or Guardians to assist the Earth, her creations, and humanity transform into a higher level of existence and luminosity. They are often tasked with grounding and planting the new cosmic energies firmly into the grid of the planet to help soften the harder process of change that occur as the planet throws off the old and begins to ascend to the 5th dimension.
There are currently many Gridworkers focusing on the Earth Mother’s grids, and the number is increasing every day. As more people are called to work on the grid, the planting of new codes, the grounding of the light, or the clearing of denser energies, the transition processes into the 5-D, will be expedited and softened.
Gridworkers can tap into the crystalline and other Light Grids of Mother Earth to transmit new frequencies, do clearing work, hold the space for higher beings to plant new codes and activations into the grid, and much, much more. They can open the inter-dimensional portals or grid lines to allow higher frequency energies such as love and light to flow through. The overall mission is to work with the grids in all dimensions to support the ascension process of the Earth and her creations during this time of transcendence. To accomplish this mission, Gridworkers have chosen to incarnate now with many diverse gifts, skills, and tasks for bringing us all into a higher level of existence and luminosity.
The individual missions of the Grid workers is encoded in their DNA. Although their tasks, skills, and gifts are all unique, they all seem to fit into one of several categories which will provide us with a template for understanding the work. You will notice that some of the categories have points where the tasks overlap just as each Gridworker has different gifts or skills that may overlap in order to fulfill their individual grid missions and integrate them into the larger plan of the Universe. As you study the list, certain tasks will resonate with you more than others. These are the tasks where you can best apply own unique skills and gifts.
Some Planetary Gridworkers are called to specific locations or may even be called to travel extensively just to hold the space for the Earth, her energies, and the energies of the cosmos to complete the task of transitioning to a higher level of Existence. These Gridworkers may or may not be conscious of this task, but no matter what their life circumstance or their profession, they will affect the geographic energies of the location they are in just by their presence. They are advanced workers whose energetic frequencies operate naturally at a very high rate.
A Formholder serves as a conduit or channel for higher frequency transmissions to travel from the Star Nations to the Earth and from the Earth to the Star Nations. They channel energetic currents streaming in from the Christ Consciousness and Universal Ascension Grid and anchor them into the Crystalline Grid of the Earth Mother to align her planetary grid networks, her vortexes, and Ley lines with the codes and activations from the Star Beings. The Gridworker’s physical body acts as an acupuncture point for the Earth to use these Star Codes to either reactivate her own DNA codes or activate new ones in alignment with the Universal Grid.
Grid Healers build the necessary light networks to activate vortexes, open gateway portals, re-activate ancient codes, and ground or plant the codes and activations from the Star Nations into the Earth. Grid Healers also channel the seeds from Mother Earth that need to be disbursed throughout the galaxies to help co-create a new and better future for the entire Universe. When activated, these codes positively affect the planetary balance to bring about evolution and ascension. Grid Healers are experts in working with the Global Energy Matrix Field for the planetary life force that flow through Ley lines and the Axiatonal points of intersection or vortexes. These vortexes of intersection are planetary chakras that hold the life force of the Earth Mother. They receive and store the stellar codes of frequencies anchoring them into the planet’s body. In this sense, Grid Healers act as transmitters that channel the codes and activations from the Star Beings through the Christ Consciousness into the Ley lines to the planetary vortex centers around the world. They link these centers to the Cosmic Grid of Light in the Universe to create the template for Ascension on Earth as well as for the Cosmos.
Grid Workers are often called to 1) clear blockages or obstructions from ley lines or vortexes; 2) heal, and extract the denser energies trapped in the Planetary Grid; 3) reroute existing ley or Axiatonal lines to carry the life force of the planet properly; and 4) clear and transform negative, karmic, or dense energies into more luminous ones through their empathy, love, and compassion. They may also be called to take inventory of extremely damaged Planetary Grid Networks, inactive portals, damaged areas in the Earth’s physical/energetic fields or other critical systems to restore the proper flow of energies and reconnect them to the entire Grid Network. And they often serve as channels for the clearing, healing, or repairing of damage caused by any grid blockages.
Many Gridworkers dealt with past, present, and future timelines simultaneously to co-create positive changes in the future, evolutionary direction of humanity on Earth and beyond. Some of these Grid workers use remote viewing or journeying to observe the energetic signatures, timelines, and record imprints to reveal the true historical record of the planet, track the source of major negative, trigger events, to clear or correct them. These Gridworkers intuitively sense how the spiritual current moves through the Earth’s ley lines and chakras and where they are weak or strong. They can work with geomantic structures to increase or direct this energy for the good of the entire planet. Geomantic structures are both the physical or etheric structures on Earth including buildings, trees, stones, altars, Ley lines, etc. and can be seen or felt in either or both forms. Some Gridworkers reconnect these structures with other light grids—the Christ Consciousness, Ascension, or Crystalline Earth Grids.
Some Gridworkers are the Wellness Healers for our species who are assigned to activate the human DNA potential to its highest level by balancing out the polarities within us. Each has specific light tools or gifts to help them heal the karmic distortions embedded in the physical or energetic bodies. Some of these Healers may assist with energetic surgery in the layers of the auric field or even the cellular body. Some will establish wellness or wisdom centers for the wholistic healing, balancing, and teaching of higher frequency principles to positively impact our lifestyles physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
These Gridworkers are the teachers of the new energy who emerge to discuss the Ascension Process and its meaning openly for the evolution of the human species. They serve as a bridge from the old to the new energies and may even establish new Cosmic/Earth stations for our interstellar, ancestral, or angelic connections. Some will build portals of communication with extended ancestral and star families, to bring their wisdom forward into everyday life to assist with the evolution of humanity. Others may establish intentional, conscious communities at high-powered frequency sites where education, sustainability, and awareness of how-to live-in harmony with nature can come into balance, or they may simply be called to help with environmental pollution, social injustice, inequality, hunger, or just helping our fellow human beings. In all cases, The higher frequencies brought in by these Planetary Grid Teachers may render these centers and even their homes as “safe zones” that will transmute the denser 3D energies during difficult climate shifts or cataclysms.
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